Friday, October 21, 2011

Once Again.....

You ever had a day like this, when all you wanted to do was pull the covers over your head and sleep the day Bo really had the right idea.  No, don't want you to get the idea that he was spoiled or anything.  Not my Bo. 

and then those times when you just want to be a clown...

The beginning....

Enjoying the fall and I was looking through pictures and I found a picture of the project I selected for my very first tole painting class.  Tole painting?  Basically, trace and paint, shade and sign.  Trust me, anyone can do it. 

I did not believe the teacher when she said that I'd be done by the end of the second night, but I was and I was so excited.  Now I have a bunch of 'these' all over my house.  And I've given some as gifts and people really seem to enjoy something that was created with them in mind. 

Been a while...

these are some others that I've done.  It's fun.  It can be frustrating at times too.  Our teacher is great and seems to enjoy seeing her students create.  And it's not your typical class where you might sign up for a number of weeks.  This is you show up, you pay.  No beginning, no end.  I think that is the best part.